One thing that isn’t so complicated in this episode, is the fact that Kwame is an abuser. I hope Shalewa sees the “writings on the wall” before she gets in too deep. This is one of the reasons I love Skinny Girl in Transit [SGIT]; it depicts common and realistic human behaviors. In a way, creating awareness on issues that people don’t fully understand. Getting back to my main point, domestic violence. It is very much present in a lot of relationships. According to USATODAY , domestic violence in United States, happens every 15 seconds with four women losing their lives daily on average. In a recent post, NBCChicago , stated that Chicago’s hotline received the highest daily volume on March 30th, 2020, with 104 calls. This, it attributed to the stay-at- home order caused by the pandemic. Wow! just wow. Saddening, but very much true. Worldbank , pointed that 35% of women worldwide have experienced some form of violence in their lives. Yeah, I know what you are ...